
Riau Governor Visits Bengkalis Samsat, Orders Samsat to Send Billing Letters

Riau Governor Visits Bengkalis Samsat Orders Samsat to Send Billing

PJ Governor of Riau Visits Samsat Bengkalis, Orders Samsat to Send Billing Letters

In a recent official visit, the Acting Governor of Riau paid a visit to Samsat in Bengkalis, urging them to send out billing letters to vehicle owners promptly. This move is aimed at streamlining the process of vehicle registration and ensuring that all vehicle owners are up to date with their payments.

During the visit, the Acting Governor expressed his satisfaction with the operations at Samsat Bengkalis and commended the staff for their hard work and dedication. He emphasized the importance of sending out billing letters in a timely manner to avoid any delays or discrepancies in the registration process. The Acting Governor also stressed the need for transparency and efficiency in all administrative processes.

The visit to Samsat Bengkalis is part of the Acting Governor’s efforts to improve the overall governance and administration in Riau. By ensuring that all government agencies are working efficiently and effectively, he hopes to create a more conducive environment for businesses and individuals alike. The Acting Governor’s hands-on approach to governance has been well-received by the public, who appreciate his commitment to transparency and accountability.

As part of the visit, the Acting Governor also met with representatives from Samsat Bengkalis to discuss ways to further improve their services. He encouraged the staff to continue their hard work and dedication, assuring them of the government’s full support. The Acting Governor emphasized the importance of maintaining high standards of service and urged the staff to strive for excellence in all their dealings with the public.

Overall, the visit to Samsat Bengkalis was a success, with the Acting Governor expressing his confidence in the agency’s ability to carry out its duties efficiently. By issuing clear directives and setting specific targets for improvement, the Acting Governor has demonstrated his commitment to ensuring that all government agencies in Riau work together towards a common goal of good governance. His visit to Samsat Bengkalis serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and transparency in public administration.

With the Acting Governor’s guidance and support, Samsat Bengkalis is poised to become a model agency in Riau. By following his directives and maintaining high standards of service, the staff at Samsat Bengkalis can help improve the overall governance and administration in the region. The Acting Governor’s visit has set the stage for positive change, with a renewed focus on efficiency and accountability in all government agencies.

Original Post By Dmarket

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